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Class Rosters

Click the Search button and you will be taken to the next screen or you will be prompted to select the appropriate Run Control ID.

If no Run Control ID exists

  • Click the Add a New Value tab.
  • Enter a Run Control ID that is unique (suggestion: your username).
  • Click the Add button.
  • Do this once. Only one Run Control ID is needed.

Enter Class Roster Report Parameters

  • Academic Institution–TCU01.
  • Term–Enter the 4 character term or use the magnifying glass to search for term.
  • Session–Regular long semester is the session type for normal fall and spring sessions.  For summer sessions, select the appropriate value. (e.g. MAY, JUN, JUL, 8W1, 8W2, 10W).
  • Select one of three options:  Academic Organization, Subject Area, Class Number.
  • Class Nbr is most frequently used.  Class Nbr will produce a roster for only one class, while Academic Organization and Subject Area will produce reports for all the classes within that org or area.
  • The easiest way to find the unique class number is to use TCU Class Search:
    • Select TCU Class Search from the left navigation.
    • Complete the search and use the Class Nbr located in the first column of the search.
    • Class Nbr:  specify class by entering the PeopleSoft assigned class number.Or
      • Search for the class number: Click the magnifying glass
      • Select Search by Subject Area
      • Enter the Subject Area and click Look Up
      • The classes for the term specified earlier will be displayed
      • Click on the class to select
  • Check the boxes to include Enrolled Students, Dropped Students and/or Waitlisted Students if desired.
  • Run the Report. Click on the Run button in the upper right corner of the window. The Process Scheduler Request page will open.
    • Output formats: PDF, CSV,  or Email
  • To view or print the Class Roster PDF or CSV file, click the Report Manager link.
  • The Class Roster will be the top report listed. The status may say “Processing.” Click the yellow Refresh button until the status says “Posted.”  Sometimes it takes several Refresh clicks.
  • When the status is Posted, click the link for Class Roster. The report will open in a new tab. You can print or save the PDF or Excel file.
  • When you are finished, close the tab and click the Go back to Class Roster link.


Departmental administrators can remove advising holds for students within their department by logging into Click on the Campus Solutions tile, then the Student Records tile, then scroll down to Student Information, and choose Service Indicators. Pull up the student, click on the ADV link, click the Release button, and Save.

PeopleSoft will maintain a waiting list for you. It is like any waiting list you might keep on paper. The first student on the waiting list is the first student with the opportunity to enroll in the class if a space becomes available. You can determine how long a waiting list you want (5 students, 30 students, more, less, etc.) The Wait List works with the enrollment limit you submit. It is not in addition to the limit. 
You give us a limit of 40 for a class, and a waiting list limit of 5.

  • When your class fills up, and Student A tries to enroll, the student gets the message that the class is full, and is asked if he wishes to wait list for the section. (Student must check ‘OK to waitlist’.)
  • Then someone drops this class, and now the class is ‘open’, but, since there is a student on the waitlist, no one else can enroll in the class until the waitlist process runs, because the first person on the waiting list has the first chance to enroll in the class.
  • The waitlist process runs, trying to move the student from the waitlist to the class. As long as the student doesn’t have a time conflict with this class, hasn’t reached the maximum number of hours, has met the enrollment requisites, and isn’t enrolled in another section of the course, then the waitlist process will add the student to the class.

For classes that are combined with another section, (a set of cross-listed classes, perhaps an Honors section that meets with the regular section, or in cases where a graduate class meets with an undergrad class) the combined limit governs whether or not students can be enrolled from the wait list. It is possible for one of two combined sections to be open, and students still not move off the waitlist, if the combined limit has been met.

It is our experience that if the class has a Wait List of less than 10, there is a real possibility that the wait list could fill up with students who won’t move off the list for the previously stated reasons, thereby preventing other students from going on the waitlist. We strongly suggest that the minimum Wait List limit be at least 10. 
Using the Wait List functionality does NOT mean that closed class slips (permission numbers) can’t be used. Just remember that for a student to move from the wait list to the class, the number of students enrolled in the class must drop below the limit, so using the closed class slip could block an enrollment from the waitlist.

TCU Online is a "Learning Management System" that enables you to easily supplement traditional classes with online communication tools and academically sound content. For on-line instruction (either a web-enhanced course or a fully distance learning course), you can make important student information accessible anytime, anywhere, and significantly increase interaction and access to course materials.  
Students log in to TCU Online to access class materials. The only link between the student's registration at TCU, and the ability to access the materials via TCU Online, is the TCU Online attribute that is placed on each class.   
If the course is a distance-learning class (no on-campus meetings) you should enter “TCUO” as the attribute and enter “WEB” as the location of the class and use 479 as the section number. The TCU Online attribute is essential. If the course is not correctly identified, the students will not have access to the TCU Online site (and your class materials).

To identify the Core area for which a course has been approved, please use these attributes:

Human Experience & Endeavors
Humanities HUM
Social Sciences SSC
Natural Sciences NSC
Fine Arts FAR
Essential Competencies
Mathematical Reasoning MTH
Oral Communication OCO
Written Communication WCO
Writing Emphasis  WEM
Heritage, Mission, Vision & Values
Religious Traditions RT
Global Awareness GA
Historical Traditions  HT
Cultural Awareness CA
Literary Traditions LT
Citizenship & Social Values  CSV


The list contains all of the buildings where classes are taught. You must use these building codes, or we will be unable to enter a building and room for your classes.

ADM Mary Wright
ALU D.J. Kelly Alumni Center
Arr Arranged
BAI Bailey Building
BEA Beasley Hall
BAS Annie Richardson Bass
BFTC Bayard Friedman Tennis Center
BLUU Brown-Lupton University Union
CAR Robert Carr Chapel
CIS Center for Instructional Services
FAB Fine Arts Building
FOS Foster
HAR Harrison
IDME Interior Design & Merchandising
JAC John Justin Athletic Center
JAR Jarvis
LAN Ed Landreth Hall
LH# Lecture Hall 1,2,3, or 4
LIB Mary Couts Burnett Library
LOWE Erma Lowe Hall
MIL Miller Speech & Hearing Clinic
MOR Brite Divinity School
MOUN Moudy Building North
MOUS Moudy Building South
MSC TCU Music Center
MUS Music Building
MMAC Meyer-Martin Athletic Complex
NEEL Neeley Business Complex
PAL  Palko
RAN Ranch Management Building
REC University Recreation Center
REE Reed Hall
RIC Rickel Building
Rifle Range
RJH Rees-Jones Hall
SAD  Sadler Hall
SBC Schollmaier Arena
SCHAR Scharbauer Hall
STA Amon Carter Stadium
SPS Starpoint School
SWR Sid W. Richardson Building
SWB Secrest-Wible Building
TUC Tucker Technology Center
WHD Worth Hills Dining & Student Facility (Multipurpose)
WIN Winton Scott Hall 
WPA Walsh Performing Arts Center

The Registrar’s Office will still create the initial set of permission numbers prior to advance registration and you can use your query to see the numbers. Permission numbers will override all three options:

  1. Grant enrollment into a class with ‘Department/Instructor Consent Required’
  2. The set enrollment limit for a class
  3. Enrollment requisites

We have a feature that allows you to change the overrides on each permission number, if you wish. Login, and look at your permission numbers. If you want to allow a student to override a pre-req only if the class is open, under the Class Permission Data, click the Permission tab, and uncheck the Closed Class box. You can change what each permission number overrides as you need to.

The person who issues the permission numbers should keep track of the numbers that have been issued. These numbers can only be used for the section of the class for which they were generated, and can only be used once. You may use the Comments tab to enter a student’s name and/or circumstances pertaining to the permission number. 
Students can enter the permission number when enrolling in the class(es).  
Q Grades
A Q grade removes the original grade from the course and is given after the drop deadline. The student must go to their associate academic dean to receive approval.

The associate academic dean approves the request and it is forwarded to the Registrar’s Office for final approval. After the request is approved by both the associate academic dean and the Registrar’s Office, the grade is changed. An email will be sent to notify the student of the grade change. Current and cumulative grade point averages (GPA) are recalculated at time of grade change posting.

Reserve Classrooms

Instructional/Classroom Spaces (I/C Spaces) are primarily used for scheduled academic classes. All other uses must not conflict with or diminish this primary mission. 

Academic classes are scheduled as a joint effort with Academic Deans’ Offices as class offerings for each semester are developed.

Academic Classroom Request Room Change Request

Once all classes have been assigned rooms (normally eight weeks before the beginning of the semester), other activities may reserve I/C Spaces. Academic users and recognized TCU organizations may request the use of I/C Spaces directly through the Office of the Registrar. Some organizations require approval by TCU oversight before submitting space requests.

  • Purpose of use 
  • Organization 
  • Individual responsible (with email and cell phone) 
  • Date(s) of use 
  • Start and end time 
  • Number of people 
  • Room preference (if known see link below) 
  • Desired room characteristics 
  • Room reservation approval will be acknowledged by email.

Persons wishing to use TCU I/C Spaces for other than TCU Academics or TCU Recognized Organizations should contact

All I/C Space use must assume the next user of the space is an academic class and the room must be left in perfect shape for that use.

  • No food or drink is allowed in I/C Space 
  • Black/White boards should be erased 
  • Chairs should be placed in normal classroom configuratio
  • Trash should be removed 
  • AV equipment should be in working order and turned off

Any other aspect of I/C Space that might hinder its primary mission of academic classroom use must be corrected. 

Access(unlocking) for rooms with Key Card Access should be automated if reservations are made in advance. For rooms without keycard access, arrangements must be made with the specific office within each building to unlock the room.  This will be indicated in the email reservation acknowledgment if it is necessary. 

Reservation privileges will be revoked if you do not comply with room guidelines.