Current Students
Search for classes, calculate your GPA and access academic records through the Registrar’s Office.

Course Information
GPA Calculator
Use the GPA calculator to estimate your grade point average for the semester and overall.
Student Records
Request documentation to verify your enrollment status—often required for discounts, insurance, banks or employers.
Order official transcripts through MyTCU.
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.
As you near graduation, stay on top of the deadlines in your last semester of classes.
Important Dates for May 2025 Graduates
Date | Description |
March 13 | Last day to remove “I” grade from spring and summer |
Deadline for ordering cap and gown | |
April 1 | Last day to drop |
April 20 | Deadline for ordering diploma |
April 21 |
Last day to elect P/NC grading option for this session |
May 1 |
Deadline for paying student accounts in Student Financial Services |
May 7 | Deadline for receipt of transcripts from other universities (accepted electronically or in a signed, sealed envelope) |
May 7 |
May 7 |
Receive final deletions from Financial Services |
May 9 |
Commencement, Graduate Degree Ceremony |
May 10 |
Commencement, Undergraduate Ceremonies |
May 19 |
Diplomas mailed |
Commencement Ceremony Information
Veteran Affairs
We are here to assist veterans and their families with navigating and utilizing their educational benefits.
Dean’s List
TCU honors high academic achievement, recognizing those who have met key requirements during the academic year.
Frequently Asked Questions
It is hard to determine whether or not the classes will open. It varies by semester and class and is dependent on whether all students who have pre-registered actually return to TCU. Usually, there are some drops each semester. You can check your CLASS SCHEDULE on MyTCU to see if your status has changed from "full" to "enrolled".
When you have enrolled in all the classes you desire, you can print a copy of your schedule by clicking on the Manage Classes tile. Click "Weekly Schedule" and then "Printer Friendly Page" and then "Print".
From time to time, various departments at TCU will assign you a task to fulfill on MyTCU. If you have a task, it will be noted below the task icon. For example, once a semester, the Registrar’s office will create a task to have all students verify their address and telephone information. Each year, Financial Aid will create a task for students that need to complete their FAFSA. If you have a task to complete, you will click on the task tile and follow the prompts to complete the task.
Lectures with associated labs are "related classes." In these cases, you enter the lecture's five-digit class number to enroll. After you click "Enter" you will be taken to the Class Enrollment Options panel where you can select the lab you desire in the box to the left of lab class number and click "Next".
Call Jostens, the TCU official class ring company, at (800) 854-7464 for information or visit them online.
- AS – AddRan College of Liberal Arts
- BR – Brite Divinity School
- BU – M.J. Neeley School of Business
- CO – College of Communication
- ED – College of Education
- FA – College of Fine Arts
- HS – Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- SE – College of Science and Engineering
- ADM – Mary Wright
- ALU – D.J. Kelly Alumni Center
- Arr – Arranged
- BAI – Bailey Building
- BEA – Beasley Hall
- BAS – Annie Richardson Bass
- BFTC – Bayard Friedman Tennis Center
- BLUU – Brown-Lupton University Union
- CAR – Robert Carr Chapel
- CIS – Center for Instructional Services
- FAB – Fine Arts Building
- FOS – Foster
- HAR – Harrison
- IDME – Interior Design & Merchandising
- JAC – John Justin Athletic Center
- JAR – Jarvis
- LAN – Ed Landreth Hall
- LH# – Lecture Hall 1,2,3, or 4
- LIB – Mary Couts Burnett Library
- LOWE – Erma Lowe Hall
- MIL – Miller Speech&Hearing Clinic
- MOR – Brite Divinity School
- MOUN – Moudy Building North
- MOUS – Moudy Building South
- MSC – TCU Music Center
- MUS – Music Building
- MMAC – Meyer-Martin Athletic Complex
- NEEL – Neeley Business Complex
- PAL – Palko
- RAN – Ranch Management Building
- REC – University Recreation Center
- REE – Reed Hall
- RIC – Rickel Building
- RIF – Rifle Range
- RJH – Rees-Jones Hall
- SAD – Sadler Hall
- SBC – Schollmaier Arena
- SCHAR – Scharbauer Hall
- STA – Amon Carter Stadium
- SPS – Starpoint School
- SWR – Sid W. Richardson Building
- SWB – Secrest-Wible Building
- TUC – Tucker Technology Center
- WHD – Worth Hills Dining & Student Facility(Multipurpose)
- WIN – Winton Scott Hall
- WPA – Walsh Performing Arts Center
- ACT - Activity
- CLN - Clinical
- DIR - Directed Study
- DIS - Discussion
- INT - Internship
- LAB - Laboratory
- LCL - Lecture with Lab
- LEC - Lecture
- PER - Performance
- PRA - Practicum
- RES - Research
- SEM - Seminar
- STA - Study Abroad
- WEB - Online Course